Monday, June 29, 2009

Some New Pictures


Here are some pictures from the Japanese Garden, the Chocolate Factory and one of Corie painting with the house in the background.


  1. Now If I only had help making these photos a little bigger I would be much happier......No one is home to help me so I can't see very much but what I can see I love""""" Tell us about the choc factory.....I want some right now......ASHLYN SCOTT ROBINSON, I MISS YOU. Be sweet...

  2. Oh, so glad to see new pics, I miss you Andreaaaaaa! The gardens are beautiful and that is a great pic of Corie with the house in the background. I was wondering what that was on the table..then I realized it was chocolate, that explains some of the expressions...hope ya'll had some milk chocolate, my favorite. So does La Giraudière feel like the monkey tree, Andrea? It is so beautiful, I could feel at home there pretty easily! Where is the donkey? You know I love donkeys. Everyone sends there love, Brooke, Nick, Kacy called to check on you, what great friends you have. Shannon says hello, Granny, Aunt Charlotte, Poppy, Yolanda, the list goes on and on.... So, I can't wait til Friday, it's like a Christmas feeling, but even more, girlie! Andrew, Ariann, Dad, Zippie, Shoes, Shah and all the foster babies send there love, (slobber from Zipper),hair from Shah, etc... I love you, JJ

  3. Taylor!! I'm so jealous! Your dad sent all of us the link to the blog so I've been reading it! I hope you're having fun. I want to see all of your art and pictures when you get back. I expect a visit to Ole Miss soon! Be sure to have a crepe at the top of the Eiffel Tower or some creme brulée when you get back to Paris!! They were my favorites when I was there! See you son!! Au revoir!
